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2023-11-03 14:00:17来源:魔方格






  一、 在地址栏里输入writing.heep.cn,进入冰果英语智能作文评阅系统,点击“学 生”进入后:

  1. 点击“浏览作文”,找到天津地区的高校;

  2. 点击“天津大学”进入(不是“天津大学人文学院”);

  3. 在“该学校的老师有”标签下,找到读写译老师给出的教学班号(通常为该生 所在读写译班的教学班号),如“4485”,点击进入,页面上就会列出该班每周 需完成的作文题;

  4. 注意作文的“有效日期”,在本周需完成的作文右面,点击“写作文”;

  5. 仔细阅读作文题以及写作文的注意事项,提交作文前,务必准确无误填写学号, 姓名,学校名和班级(为所在读写译班教学班号),否则将没有成绩;

  6. 学生可以在完成步骤“3”之后出现的页面中,点击“完成情况”,然后输入学 号,即可查询作文的审阅情况;


  1. 在“学生用户”下方,点击“不记得序列号了?”,找到“天津”;

  2. 点击“天津大学”进入(不是“天津大学人文学院”);

  3. 在“老师姓名”栏内准确无误地输入读写译老师给定的教学班号(通常为该生 所在读写译班的教学班号),找到所在班,点击进入;

  4. 注意截止时间,在需完成的作文下部点击“进入”,进入到写作文界面;

  5. 仔细阅读作文题以及写作文的注意事项,提交作文前,务必准确无误填写学号, 姓名,学校名和班级(为所在读写译班教学班号),否则将没有成绩;

  6. 在步骤“1”后,即可看到有两种方式可以查询作文成绩,自由选择;






  要求学生一周完成一篇作文; 在作文截止时间后的24小时后,作文成绩才能查询,且被纳入学期总成绩; 新老版本是同一个系统,都可以提交作文,只是功能有所区别,用哪一个都行; 有问题可发邮件至quickerfan@sohu.com,联系管理员。



  - 该系统稳定可靠,与人工评阅作文比较,速度快、不知疲劳、没有偏爱、系统面前


  - 该系统不仅给出每位学生的作文分数,还从词汇、语法、文风、内容等方面给出意

  见反馈。使每位学生了解自己的弱点、长处,为进一步提高指出努力的方向。 - 教师通过该系统布置作文、设定完成写作的时限,作文提交时限之后的下一个工作



  1. 每个学校:指定一位老师作为学校负责人,以便冰果英语与其联系相关的管理、使

  用事宜。该负责人的联系信息(电话,email)请告知冰果英语: 电话: 010-88819550, 13581773339。

  2. 学校负责人:把该校所有需要使用智能作文评阅系统的老师的相关信息(包括每位


  3. 冰果英语:根据学校负责人提供的老师名单,给每位老师设立账号,由负责人转告


  4. 使用的老师:

  1)在联通英特网的计算机上,打开IE浏览器,输入网址 进入“我是老师”,并用自己的账号登录,登录后可以修改密码。



  5. 写作文的学生:在联通英特网的计算机上,打开IE浏览器,输入网址 文序列号找到布置的作文题,即可当场写作或拷贝自己已经写好的作文并提交(提交时须正确填写姓名、学号)。作文截止时间的下一个工作日,可以查看自己作文的分数和评语。

  6. 使用的老师:在学生提交作文截止时间的下一个工作日,再次登陆,在浏览作文列表中,找到你所需要的作文,在该作文右方点击“完成情况”,再点击“下载成绩单”就可以下载学生提交的作文和系统给出的成绩、评语。

  7. 写作文的学生:如果老师允许学生网上查看成绩,那么学生可以再次进入网址 文序列号找到作文题,点击“查看完成情况”,然后输入学号(即提交作文时输入的学号),即可查看成绩。


  作文序列号 12014得分: 14.1 / 15分制


  标题: The sixth assignment


  Cheating in examinations

  The incidence of cheating at school is rising sharply these years. Actually cheating is becoming a nightmare, not only for perceptive teachers, but also for students who don’t want to follow this trend.

  Reasons accounting for the issue of cheating are various. On the one hand, many

  students are under the pressure of a society that cares too much about the grades of the individual. People tend to judge a person by his achievements rather by his efforts. Thus, some students try to get high marks whatever the method. They cheat on exams, and even on daily assignments. Of course there are other examples of students who really have a tough time in their studies. In some way they just don’t fit learning. Though they try

  hard they cannot obtain a satisfactory mark. So they sell out to convenience and cheat, too.

  All in all, we’re living in a time when people have a lot of things to demonstrate about themselves. It is likely that the credit we achieve is not in direct proportion with our

  sacrifices, so why not go the easy way? Why not cheat instead of working hard for nothing? On the other hand, cheating is kind of being fashionable. There are honest students who don’t want cheat, but are seeing other people doing this all the time. It is unfair that the former get the same mark as those who did without effort. So they start cheating inevitably. However, the problem of cheating can be confronted and defeated if we put our heart into it. It is a matter of integrity. Therefore, as students we should follow the inner compass of our conscience. We should know clearly the boundary between the illicit and the moral. We can decrease the rate of cheating through the following ways.

  Firstly, if we have problems while studying, we mustn’t yield to the temptation of stealing other person’s intellectual property by copying their homework or exam papers. Instead what we should do is to seek help from teachers, and with their understanding and assistance we’ll progressively move on.

  Secondly, if we’re already relying on cheating, we should stop faking right away. Don’t give yourself excuses for doing such a thing. We’d better use that energy of cheating on our classes, and try to absorb the important points the teachers give us. I good

  performance at class will ensure a high mark on exams.

  So when we’re caught in a dilemma whether to cheat or not, we should hold firmly to our integrity, because that is the choice of a mature person, our actions surely speak louder than our grades.

  得分: 14.1 / 15分制

  评语: Congratulations. The language in your essay is effective, keep it up. You"ve succeeded with flying colors in structure and vocabulary. Your essay has thorough development of the thesis.
