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发布时间:2022-02-17 14:23:09来源:魔方格


英语经典幽默笑话一:I Don't Need to Steal Any More

The owner of a large department store went over hisbooks and discovered that his most trusted employee had stolenover a million dollars from the firm.“I want no scandal,” saidthe owner.“I'll just fire you.” The employee replied,“True,I robbed your firm of quitea tidy sum. I now have yachts, a country mansion, jewelry,and every luxury you can think of. I don't need a thing, sowhy hire somebody else and have him start from scratch?

一家大百货店的老板在查帐中发现,他较信任的雇员从公司偷走了一百多万美元。“我不要丑 闻。”老板说。“我只要开除你。”那个雇员回答说:“不错,我是偷了你公司相当一大笔钱。现在我有游 艇、一座乡村别墅、珠宝,以及你能想到的一切 奢侈品。我什么都不需要了,你为什么要再雇个人来,让他 从头做起呢?”

英语经典幽默笑话二:太晚了 It's Too Late

A medical student was called on to state how much of a certain drug he would give to a patient. He promptly replied: "Five grains."

A minute later the student asked the professor, "May I correct my answer?" The professor looked at his watch and said: "It's too late. Your patient died thirty seconds ago."

一个医科学生被要求说明他给病人服的那种药的用量。他立即回答道:“五粒。” 一分钟后,这个学生问教授:“我可以改正我的回答吗?”教授看看手表,说:“太晚啦,你的病人 已在30秒钟以前死了。”


On his deathbed poor Lubin lies; His spouse is in despair; With frequent sobs and mutual cries; They both express their care. “A different cause,”says Parson Sly, “The same effect may give: Poor Lubin fears that he may die ; His wife,that he may live”.

马修∙普赖厄 可怜的鲁宾躺在他的病床里; 他的妻子陷入绝望; 频频啜泣,相对哭啼, 他们都表达着忧伤。 “不同原因,”滑头牧师说, “可产生同样结果: 可怜的鲁宾怕他会死; 他老婆,怕他会活。”

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