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2023-04-04 15:46:28 | 来源:教育之星


The Value of Books 书籍的价值



Everybody needs to go to school when they are six years old. They start to study many subjects. Half students fall in love with study, while another half take it as a job, they just want to pass the exams and then get graduated. The reason that we need to study is to equip with skills, so as to find our own place in the world. Books are the best way to improve ourselves. They not only broaden our vision, but also teach us to be a better man. When we face problems, we can solve them with positive attitude. The value of books are infinite. If we read more, we will get more.


go to school 到校上课; 上学去; 开始求学

years old 岁; 年龄; 当我八岁时

start to 开始

fall in love with 喜欢上; 喜爱上; 堕入爱河; 相爱

and then 然后

so as to (= in order to) 以便; 为使

but also 而且

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