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对不起的英文怎么说 thank怎么用

2023-05-23 10:48:27来源:魔方格


I"m sorry
pardon me
forgive me
apologize to somebody

I"m sorry we"ve run short of loose-leaf notebooks.
对不起,活页簿已售完了。Sorry for interruption.
对不起,打扰你。Sorry, not implemented
对不起,未实现Time now, please, ladies and gentlemen!
对不起,时间到了,女士们、先生们!I"m sorry, but navy blue is the darkest we have in stock.
对不起,海军蓝是我们现有的最深的颜色了。Sorry, we don"t handle any tax-free goods at our store.
对不起,我们这里不出售免税商品。Never say die, or you would be sorry for yourself!
不要轻言放弃,否则对不起自己!Never say die, or you would be sorry for yourself!
不要轻言放弃,否则对不起自己!I"m sorry, but that telephone number is no longer in service.
对不起,那个电话号码已不再使用了。Sorry, I can"t fit in any more callers this morning.
adj. 难过,同情;歉疚,惭愧;后悔,遗憾;悲惨的,可怜的;很遗憾
int. 对不起,抱歉;请再说一遍;不对,应该是

They are a sorry lot.
他们是一批糟糕的家伙。 Get back in there, or you"ll be sorry.
滚回那边去,否则你会后悔的。Sorry I"m late!
int. 对不起,请再说一遍;你说什么
n. 赦免;宽恕
v. 赦免;原谅

Pardon all But thyself
原谅别人但不要原谅自己Pardoning the Bad is injuring the good
饶了坏人便伤了好人I crave your pardon.
v. 原谅;免除

The second kind of forgiveness is beginner forgiveness for another.
第二种是对他人的初级宽恕,即你需要宽恕他人的过失。There are four kinds of forgiveness. The first is beginner forgiveness for yourself.
有四种类型的宽恕。第一种是对自己的初级宽恕。Forgive others But not yourself

