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2023-05-23 10:40:57来源:魔方格



Today is July the tenth, nineteen ninety-two.
今天是1992 年7 月10 日。I have just completed a three-year commercial course and graduated from Wuhan Commercial College in July.
我刚在武汉商业学院完成三年的商业课程,并于7月毕业。I obtained my B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Shanghai Jiaotong University in July, 1998.
我于1998年7月获得上海交通大学土木工程学学士学位。Fans who still have their original ticket stubs should contact Sheffield Arena by July 3.
仍保留原始票根的球迷请于7月3号前和谢菲尔德体育馆联系。They were shipped on July 3rd. It should reach you in two or three days.
货在7月3日装运。应该在两三天之后到达贵方。Other reasons can be found in the OECD’s annual “Employment Outlook”, published on July 7th.
另一原因可以在7月7日出版的国际经合组织“就业瞭望”年鉴里找到答案。Coming into the springboard finals on July 31 already the winner of the platform, Fu faced assorted difficulties
在跳台跳水比赛已经夺冠的伏明霞,7月31日又进入跳板项目的决赛,重重困难摆在她的面前。That was a baking July day.
那是7月酷热的一天。"The fitting will be on 16th, July. "
7月16日试衣。July 4 is the Day of Independence of the United States.

n. 七月

The crisis peaked in July 1974.
那场危机在1974年7月达到巅峰。 The final examination comes on in July.
期末考试7月份举行。That was a baking July day.