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保持联系的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-05-19 20:46:17来源:魔方格


kept in touch with
be in touch
keep in touch
stay in touch

I want a wife to keep track of the children"s doctor and dentist appointments and to keep track of mine, too
我希望有一个能够随时注意与孩子的医生或者牙医取得联系的妻子,而且,她还得随时与我自己的医生或者牙医保持联系Let"s keep in touch.
让我们保持联系。Let‘s stay in touch.
我们保持联系。I must keep in contact with my lawyer
我必须与我的律师保持联系。I"ll see you again next month but in the meantime let"s keep in touch.
下个月再见,不过在此期间让我们保持联系。So you can stay in touch with the outer world.
这样你们就能跟外界保持联系。She still kept up with her classmates after graduation.
毕业后她仍然与她的同学保持联系。She vowed to stay in touch with friends by phone and email.
她在电话和电子邮件里发誓要和朋友们保持联系。International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
与ISO保持联系的各国际官方的或非官方组织也可以参加.The elephant depends on its sense of smell to keep it ire touch with what is going on.


The baby kept crying.
婴儿一直哭。The machine kept running.
机器一直运转。His promise was faithfully kept.

v. 触摸;轻碰;照管;达到;比得上;尝;用;破坏;涉及;影响到;触动
n. 触碰;触感;手法,风格;润色;修饰;少许;接触

within touch of
在¥能达到的地方|在¥的附近|可以接近的|可以做到的 Finishing touches
收尾工作You"ll have to get in touch with the boss.

v. 保持,处于;继续,重复;使耽搁;抚养;履行
n. 生活费,生活必需品

That news will keep.
那个消息留待以后再宣布。They keep a shop.
他们经营一家商店。How are you keeping?