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2023-01-25 10:38:49 | 来源:教育联播网


托福考试成绩下来了,我考了一个相当满意的分数,更让我高兴的是,我可以很轻松地选择我想要去的大学了,很多人也许会对选哪所大学而感到迷茫,而Acx中的理想大学却一直从未变过。  1.Have you decided which university you are going to apply for postgraduate?  你定下来填报哪一所大学的研究生了吗?  21 would recommend that you enter Harvard University.  我建议你还是报哈佛大学。  3.Harvard University is stronger in business management.  哈佛大学在商务管理方面比较强。  4.Princeton University is my frst choice.  普林斯顿大学是我的优选。  5.My mother wants me to apply for Harvard University but my father wants me to go to Yale University.  我妈妈想让我选哈佛大学而我爸爸想让我申请耶鲁大学。  6.I believe I can achieve my dream at Columbia University.  我相信我能实现去哥伦比亚大学的梦想。  7.My grades didn"t reach the fractional line of Boston University.  我的成绩没有达到波士顿大学的录取分数线。情景对话Jasmine:What are your chances of getting into Harvard?  Mary:My chance is slim.  Jasmine:I hear those Ivy league colleges are difficult to get into.  Mary:I know. I"d have a better chance at the State University.  Jasmine:Sure. It"s not a bad school, either.  Mary:I"d rather be a big fsh in a small pond.  茉莉:你进哈佛的机会如何?  玛丽:我的机机会很小。  茉莉:我听说那些常青藤盟校很难进。  玛丽:我知道。我进州立大学的机会大一点。  茉莉:当然。那个学校也不坏。  玛丽:我宁可做小池塘里面的大鱼。